Our company is actively engaged in research in various fields. With our research partners we are participating in several projects.

Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 find at:
Documentation for download: HERE
Project Life Defender
The aim of this research project is the experimental development of a data integration platform. This will collect and analyse data about home quarantine treatment, test results and disinfecting the premises into the single information system Life Defender. The vision is universal use of the system to protect human health, not only in the context of COVID-19, but also in the event of any other pandemic in the future.

For more details about BRIGHT click here.
Bright Project
We are providing teaching resources and methods for professors, students, specialists in the field of 3D printing methods used for developing, producing and testing medical parts to support hospitals and medical institutions in pandemic period.

For more details about EMERALD click here.
International Summer School 28.8.2023 – 04.09.2023 Grimstad (Norway) click here.
Multiplier event 13.09.2023 Bizzcom Bucany click here
The scope is to create an European Network addressed to stakeholders that are interested in conceiving, developing and realizing of different biomimetic mechatronic systems that are about to be produced using modern methods of manufacturing, such as 3D printing.

For more details about DiCoMi click here.
Project DiCoMi
The Directional Composites through Manufacturing Innovation (DiCoMI) project aims to bring together leading innovators from across Europe, and beyond, to develop a new method of producing composite material parts with optimised fibre directionality, while supporting the innovation potential in the automotive and aerospace industries.

Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 find at:
For more details about MEMBIZZ click here.
New Sensor, Detector and Memristor Technology for Intelligent Microelectronics in the 21st century
The aim is the research of the manufacturing process of sensors, detectors and memristors through a new innovative technology using the controlled local growth of oxide layers by atomic layer deposition (ALD).
Bizzcom is responsible for the industrial research of mechanical and automation solution for ALD oxide local growth technology.